Laksa Curry Paste Recipes for Quick, Easy, Tasty Home Made Laksa

The heart and soul of a good laksa is the paste, which is the hardest to make. Laksa is an assembled dish consisting of

The paste makes a good laksa a perfect laksa because of its kaleidoscope of tastes and aromas. It is a balance of sour, sweet, salty, aromatic and spicy elements that tickle the taste buds and your smell sensor - all five of them - sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savoury).

Commercial laksa paste is like bought curry paste, spaghetti paste and noodle paste - any resemblance to anything living is purely an accident. These pastes are chemical concoctions full of artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Yuk! Bought laksa pastes are a universal disappointment.

The good news is that you can easily make your own laksa paste in a blender. It keeps well in the refrigerator and is so easy to make that you can make it even time you need a laksa snack.

Assemble all the ingredients for the paste, garnish and, meat and coconut milk in the refrigerator, and you can easily create a delicious, healthy, fresh home made laksa, full of flavor aroma and texture, in 15 minutes or less. See a range of wonderful laksa paste recipes and chicken, prawn, seafood, beef, pork, tofu and vegan laksa recipes. It is all here!

The heart and soul of a good laksa is an aromatic paste home made using these fabulous recipes
The heart and soul of a good laksa is an aromatic paste home made using these fabulous recipes. Source: Public Domain

Laksa Paste Recipes

The recipes below range from the very simple to the very complex. The processing for all paste recipes is the same. Transfer the ingredients into a food processor or blender and pulse to a rough paste. Do not overdo is and your want same of the original ingredients to remain in small pieces rather than blended to a smooth feature-less paste, lacking the texture and flavor gems that characterises an excellent laksa paste.

Simple Laksa Paste Recipe with Fresh Herbs

Spicy Laksa Paste Recipe with Candle Nuts and Shrimp Paste

Spicy Laksa Paste Recipe with Candle Nuts and Shrimp Paste

Bulk Laska Recipe with Nuts, Herbs and Mixed Individual Spices