Top 40 Recipes brings you the best ever recipes for a wide range of categories based on country of origin, style and ingredients. All of the recipes are presented in our simple 'no-nonsense' format that is easy to read and follow. The recipes have been tested and rated as the best ever for their category. The instructions are easy to follow and have been designed for home cooking and exclude complex methods or use of equipment that is not available in most kitchens.
The recipes ranked in the Top 40 lists are all simple to make and are guaranteed to be perfect every time. Most of the ingredients are commonly available or appropriate alternatives are provided. The recipes are carefully chosen for homemade meals and snacks. The emphasis is on healthy meals and dishes made using healthy whole foods. Most item listed or ingredient can be made from scratch.
Processed ingredients are avoided as much as possible, apart from sauces.
Research studies have shown that the highly processed foods that were introduced in the 1970's have been the major cause of obesity throughout the world.
People in various countries that adopted the West's lifestyles and foods became fat because this processed food is so energy and calorie rich. Processed food is stuffed with fat and calories. It has high calorie density. Portion sizes have also increased dramatically. Because of this, many people get fat inadvertently, simply by passively eating 'normal' diets and meals (not fast-foods). Modern food is simply too rich even in small quantities. Adopting healthy home cooked meals, made with whole foods, eating smaller portion sizes and avoiding processed foods can overcome these problems.
Top 40 Recipes has articles which are a collection of the best recipes for each topic. The full recipes are included with ingredients and methods. This is better than providing endless links. You can scroll through the article to find the recipe that suits you.
Top 40 Recipes articles have MOBILE FIRST design so that the information is clearly presented and well designed for all mobile devices.
See the Index of Recipes or use the search tool to find the best recipes for each topic - The Top 40 recipes! Enjoy!